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Laboratory Informatics with Robotics

The Challenge 

  • Workflow between ELN, LIMs, SDMS, instruments, and robotics is immensely complex with many scientific processes and detailed steps to consider in conducting experiments
  • Aligning the scientists with business needs and technology constraints

The Results 

  • Saved FTE hours, allowing scientists to spend time where it’s needed
  • Reduced human error by utilizing robotics
  • Designed operations strategy and updated SOPs
  • Established metrics to measure operational efficiency and productivity

The Solution 

Every laboratory is unique in its operations. Planet Pharma hired talent to help a Top 10 Global Biopharmaceutical Organization implement crucial processes.

Here is an example process:

  • [INFORMATICS] Plan Sample Extraction in LIMS and ELN
  • [ROBOTICS] Locate, Sort and Verify Samples with an Automated Freezer
  • [ROBOTICS] Thaw, Mix, and Centrifuge Samples
  • [ROBOTICS] Remove the Sample Caps with the Decapper
  • [ROBOTICS] Extract Samples with an Automated Liquid Handler
  • [INFORMATICS] Run Samples on the Analysis Instruments
  • [INFORMATICS] Collect Data on the Instrument Software
  • [INFORMATICS] Execute Regressions to Analyze the Data in LIMS