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Statistical Analytics with Machine Learning Tool Enablement

The Challenge 

The client is relatively new in the industry, had no existing processes, and was using a complex tool.

  • Inadequate vendor support due to vendor team’s turnover and inexperience
  • Client has minimal technical experience with single instance multi-tenancy systems
  • Significant process complexities due to platform level dependencies with  other systems

The Results 

  • Designed processes for the use of the tool, including SOPs and best practice operations manuals
  • With proactive mitigation planning and execution, a validated system was
    successfully deployed on time

The Solution 

Implementation Strategy

  • We ensured that the key deliverables by the software vendor was aligned with the client’s business and system requirements
  • We built the project structure to ensure proper oversight of vendor’s implementation plan

Implementation Plan Execution

  • Daily oversight of the vendor and utilization of a steering committee ensured successful tracking of milestones and overall progress
  • Proactive risk management was critical in addressing unexpected software issues and vendor personnel issues