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Two Directors of Discovery Biology

A NASDAQ biotechnology company located in San Francisco, CA specializing in protein degradation
therapeutics in Immuno-Oncology and solid tumors.

Executive Hiring Need 

Two Directors of Discovery

Both reporting to the Head of Discovery Biology

Role Overview

Oversee lead optimization of novel compounds and the characterization of their MOA on immune cells. Leading a small team of scientists, managing multiple projects simultaneously, plus hands on duties in development, optimization and execution of high-dimensional ow cytometry to phenotypically characterize immune cells, ELISA, Western and multiplexing technologies.


Ph.D. in immunology or cancer biology with 8+ years of relevant industry experience.

Search Methodology 

  • Kick-off meeting with Head of Discovery Biology & Head of Talent Acquisition.
  • Initial consultation with 45+ prospective candidates.
  • Fully screened 27 of the candidates
  • Qualified and present 9 of the candidates to the client.
  • of the 9 candidates presented, 2 were female and 7 were racial minorities

Selection Process

  • 7 of the 9 shortlisted candidates were invited to first round interviews with the client.
  • 4 progressed to the second stage.
  • 3 progressed to meet with the Executive Leadership Team
  • 2 were selected offered, and accepted the position
  • Timeline: 10 weeks from kick-off to offer

Testimonial: SVP Head of Discovery Biology 

“All of the candidates presented were qualified for the position and fell within the criteria and our challenge was finding the cultural fit within a talented pool. Everything was also efficient, kept on track and the appropriate amount of reminding and respect for other responsibilities of the hiring managers.

“I had a good experience - finding the cultural fit is challenging but having a pool that meets the requirements makes this easier and discussions with the recruiting team helped with this as well based on their experience and their interactions with the candidates."

“It was great working with the team, they were patient with us and fun to work with during our search. It has been difficult to find appropriate candidates with expectations that t our company and meshed with our internal culture, and they brought us several candidates that were a good fit for our open positions.”